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Incident Response Plan: How to Prepare for the Worst and Protect Your Business
SMB, The Solopreneur, BoD Michael F. D. Anaya | Founder SMB, The Solopreneur, BoD Michael F. D. Anaya | Founder

Incident Response Plan: How to Prepare for the Worst and Protect Your Business

Imagine learning that you’ve just experienced a cyber incident. A cyber incident might be one of your software vendors telling you they found your password on the dark web. Perhaps you log onto your computer only to see a ransomware message. Maybe you can’t log onto your computer — and no one at your company can. What should you do?

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In the Crosshairs: 8 Ways to Engage Cybercriminals to Win the Cyber War
BoD, SMB, The Solopreneur Michael F. D. Anaya | Founder BoD, SMB, The Solopreneur Michael F. D. Anaya | Founder

In the Crosshairs: 8 Ways to Engage Cybercriminals to Win the Cyber War

Many companies do cybersecurity wrong. They play defense with little to no thought of offense, allowing their weaknesses and vulnerabilities to be the focal point of their cyber strategy. Instead, they should build a program to engage the cybercriminal, allowing their strengths and resiliencies to guide their cyber strategy and win the cyber war.

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In the Crosshairs: 4 Tips for Lessening the Likelihood of a Cyberattack
BoD, SMB, The Solopreneur Michael F. D. Anaya | Founder BoD, SMB, The Solopreneur Michael F. D. Anaya | Founder

In the Crosshairs: 4 Tips for Lessening the Likelihood of a Cyberattack

The vast majority of businesses live with the ongoing threat of a cyberattack. They possess money and data, which cybercriminals want to steal. Therefore, these businesses should do everything in their power to lessen the likelihood that an attack will be successful. But what does that look like?

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6 Things to Look for in a Cyber Expert for Your Board of Directors
BoD, SMB, Contributor Tamika and Michael (The Dynamic Duo) BoD, SMB, Contributor Tamika and Michael (The Dynamic Duo)

6 Things to Look for in a Cyber Expert for Your Board of Directors

A board of directors (BoD) has the power to shape an organization significantly, which means it is also responsible for managing security. With the global cost of cybercrime expected to rise to $13.2 trillion by 2028, selecting a cybersecurity expert to sit on the board of directors should be a top priority for any company.

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How the SBOM Executive Order Helps Improve Cybersecurity
SMB, BoD, The Solopreneur, Contributor Marc Frankel SMB, BoD, The Solopreneur, Contributor Marc Frankel

How the SBOM Executive Order Helps Improve Cybersecurity

In the wake of major cyberattacks, such as December 2021’s Log4Shell, Congress and federal agencies have ramped up requirements for transparency in software supply chains. Software vendors are facing new requirements, including providing a software bill of materials, or SBOM, which can help improve cybersecurity measures.

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3 Big Benefits of Cybersecurity Awareness Training For Your Employees
SMB, Cyber 101 Nathan Schiller | Managing Partner SMB, Cyber 101 Nathan Schiller | Managing Partner

3 Big Benefits of Cybersecurity Awareness Training For Your Employees

If you run a business, you must invest in cybersecurity awareness training for your employees. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a big or small business, or whether you started up last week or have been open for years. Whatever your situation, you need a budget for cybersecurity awareness training. 

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