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Cybersecurity is not Privacy
You've spent time, effort, and money building a solid cybersecurity structure for your organization. You believe you have privacy — specifically, data privacy — also covered.
5 Ways to Identify a Phishing Email
Phishing emails are all the rage with fraudsters! Why? Because they’re easy to make and deploy. And, unfortunately, they work. The real question is how you can identify phishing emails and stop them before they ruin your business.
5 Easy Website Security Best Practices for Small Businesses
For small businesses, a website is one of the most effective ways to promote your company and sell your products. Unfortunately, a business website is also attractive to cyber criminals.
4 Smart Ways to Secure your Home Office
We must be secure in all environments, even when we feel the most comfortable. Yep, that also includes when we wear our favorite PJs, snuggled up on the couch at home on a rainy day in June. Bad actors don’t have boundaries, so your security needs to be without boundaries too.
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"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."
- Benjamin Franklin